Monday, 28 February 2011


XAMPP(Apache Server,MYSQL,PHP,Perl for XP)

first download XAMPP from .

  1. Run the installer. If you want, you can choose to install the Apache and MySQL servers as services, which will make them start automatically every time you start Windows. If you don't choose this option, you will need to use the XAMPP Control Panel application to start the servers individually each time you need them. This may be desirable if you don't intend to use your servers that often.
  2. Upon completion of installation, the XAMPP Control Panel will open (if not, click Start » All Programs » Apache Friends » XAMPP » XAMPP Control Panel). This tool lets you start and stop the various servers installed as part of XAMPP.
  3. Start Apache and MySQL by clicking on the "Start" buttons next to each item. If prompted by Windows Firewall, click the button labelled "Unblock".
  4. Go to http://localhost/. If you are directed to a page with the XAMPP logo, your installation was successful. Congratulations!


Saturday, 12 February 2011

How T0 Install Ruby(On UBUNTU 10.04)

Installation Steps:

1.Setting up the Rails development environment
Ruby, rubygems, rails and other required packages can be installed by :
"sudo apt-get install rails"
2.Setting up MySQL server
Fedena uses mysql, so run,
"sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysql-ruby"
Do remember the mysql password you set during this step, it is required in step five.
3.Download the latest Fedena source code from github
Download Fedena source code from GitHub. Extract the downloaded .tar archive to a convenient location where you would be running fedena . Let us say we extracted it to a directory named fedena in my home(~) directory.
4.Install Rails version 2.3.5
Fedena runs on version 2.3.5 of rails, so open a terminal and run,
"sudo gem install rails -v=2.3.5"
5.Setup your database details in the database.yml
Open the file database.yml in the config folder of the fedena soucre. Change the following details:
database: fedena - The name of the database you want to use for fedena
username: root - Mysql username for fedena
password: mypass - The password for the above mysql user
6.Install the prawn gem
Run "sudo gem install prawn -v=0.6.3"
7.Install the rest of the gems
Open a terminal and navigate to the fedena source directory, install the rest of the gems by running
"sudo rake gems:install"
8.Set up Fedena databases
From the Fedena source directory in terminal run, "rake db:create" followed by, "rake db:migrate"
9.Change permissions for scripts
From the same directory grant executable permissions for the files in script directory by,
"chmod +x script/*"
10.Run the inbuilt server
If everything went fine till now, you are ready to run fedena server by running the following from fedena source folder,

Fedena Configurations :

1. To enable SMS Module
i) Add a new row with config_key = "AvailableModules" and config_value = "SMS" (without quotes,case-sensitive) to `configurations` Table
ii) Update the SMS API settings in lib/sms_manager.rb to use the SMS Module.

2. To disable HR module, delete the row with config_key = "AvailableModules" and config_value = "HR"

3. To disable Finance module, delete the row with config_key = "AvailableModules" and config_value = "Finance"

How T0 Install Ruby(On Windows)

Step 1: Install Ruby
Download and install One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows.
Step 2: Install Rails
Now we can use the RubyGems package manager to download and install Rails 2.3.5(Note: Version should be 2.3.5),
1. Open a command window and run the command "gem install rails -v=2.3.5 --remote" (without quotes).
2. Then, run the command "gem install prawn -v=0.6.3 --remote" (without quotes).
Step 3: Install MySQL
1. Download and install the "essential" version of the MySQL installer v5.0
2. Copy libmysql.dll from MySQL bin directory (usually C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin) to Ruby bin directory (usually C:\Ruby\bin)
Step 4: Setup Fedena
1. Download Fedena source code from GitHub. Extract the ZIP/TAR archive and save to a folder (say C:\Fedena).
2. Now goto the fedena source directory in the command window.
3. Run the command "gem install mysql". 4. Run the command "rake gems:install" .This will install all missing gems.
5. Update the MySQL database details in config/database.yml (under "development:")
6. Run the command "rake db:create". This will create the required databases.
7. Run the command "rake db:migrate". This will populate the database with required tables.
8. Finally, run the command "ruby script/server".This would start the server and it will be accessible at http://localhost:3000
9. If you want to run Fedena in production mode, run the command "ruby script/server -e=production". For this, Production database details should be given in config/database.yml.